Italian students send their love and support to Myanmar

We told a teacher in Italy (from the Assumption School in Cumo), her name is Daniela, about the plight of the people in Myanmar. We shared our Letter of Compassion and care for the people of Myanmar. She told her 7th grade class.  They were very touched and they wrote these notes and drew these hearts to reach out to them.


Dear Friends,


Hello from Italy… we are 3 common guys who think of you, we heard about your difficult situation and we decided that we want to be close to you. Know that we all pray for you hoping that everything will end. Be strong. And be brave.

Marco, Luca, Gio



We are students from Italy, and we are writing to you because we know the difficult situation that you are living with Covid but almost with the coup that the soldiers did at the beginning of February. We want to say you that we wish that this difficult situation where you are can pass quickly and we wish that this message arrive to you because we imagine how Is difficult to stay in this situation without your family or your friends. We know You have to be careful because it is a bad moment for your country but we want to tell you that you aren’t alone because a lot of people think about you and we know how is difficult it is to stay at home for months. We hope that you can finally go out in a short time.

Lisa, Maria, Paola


Good morning dear friends,

We are four Italian girls that want to tell you that we think about your situation in Myanmar. We hope that with this message we keep you a bit ‘of company and we can make you smile at this dark time. We are very close to you, we are sure that you will be able to overcome this situation with strength and courage. We are close to you!

Chiara, Sara, Michele


Hey, how are you?

We are so happy that this message can get to you. We only want to have a chat. We know it’s hard, what happened to you is painful, and the saddest thing is that you can’t go out, not even for a walk. We knw in Myanmar some good people died, trying to do the right thing. We are with you. The whole world is with you. We know it seems than no-one is doing anything, and we understand that we can’t do so much, but we can support you. You are facing a difficult situation, but we’re sure, that you will overcome it. Sooner or later things will change. We all just need to wait and be strong. We hope this letter made you fill a little better.

Lucia, Antonio, Silvio


Honestly, we don’t know how it feels when you try to get out of home and probably, it has become dangerous, when you try to chat with someone but it is no longer possible. But we are students too and because of the pandemic we know a bit the sensation when you can’t leave your house for a long period. So we want to tell you that we think about your situation and we hope that all this will improve soon.

Michela, Luigi


Hi dear friends,

We are three Italian girls, and we know the situation in your country. Even if we know it, we certainly cannot understand what you are living, but at least we can assure you that we are close to you and we think you. Even though we can’t do much from afar, we hope to be able to send you our smile with this message, from here we hope that the situation can improve and even have a positive solution as soon as possible, do not lose hope!

Alessio, Giulio


Hi, we know that right now the Myanmar country is in a sort of civil war, and more than 800 people dies. You are in high difficulty, and we want you to know that we are with you there, we hope that you can receive this message.

Piera, Marianna

Dear friends,

We know, it has been a difficult year for everyone, but we feel you. Even though we haven’t experienced what you are living now, we think we can feel close to each other. Here in Italy, Summer is arriving and school is finishing. This year has been so strange, in fact in our city, it snowed from November to March and now it’s scorching! We hope, you are well and that the situation will improve soon. What is the best thing, you have in Myanmar? Let us know some curiosities! Thanks for reading us. Please, try to remember: Don’t give up, the beginning is always the hardest.

Anna, Ale, Mirco


Dear friend,

We are four students from Italy. We are writing to you this letter because we know the situation in which you are living now and we want to make you feel less lonely and to give you a little bit of support. This year we had to stay at home for some weeks too and we know that now you are having restrictions. Of course we can’t compare what we lived with what you are living, but, in part, we can understand what you are feeling in this moment. A sentence that we like a lot and that we want to share with you is: “There is always light behind the clouds”.

Martino, Alicia



We are 3 Italian students, we are fourteen years old. This is our last week at school and this morning we had our first exam! Summer is beginning in Italy and the sun is shining all day, how is the weather in Myanmar? We know that this year for you is being very difficult and that you can’t go to school, do you know that also for us these months were complicated?! We couldn’t go to school for a lot of time because of the coronavirus pandemic that was really aggressive in Italy. We understand how hard is to stay at home without seeing our friends, so we have decided to write you this letter because we feel you close to us. Even if we are at the opposite sides of the world, we hope that you feel, as we do, our friendship.

Now it is the moment to try and make you laugh!! We know that the people that are not Italian think that to know if pasta is ready you must throw it to the wall, but it is not like that!! It would be funny, yeah, but adults don’t permit us to do that, can you imagine? In reality, to see if pasta is ready you have to taste it, and believe us, it is delicious!!

We would love to teach you some special Italian words:
Hello = CIAO
Thank you = GRAZIE
Love = AMORE

We hope that we have given you a smile with our letter. It isn’t a big present, but it is a way to make you know that we think about you.

Love you,
Laura, Diana, Michi


Dear friends,

We have never seen each other but maybe you don’t know that you have a shoulder that will support you whatever happens, this shoulder is us. We are students in Italy and we know that your situation at the moment is hard, for this reason we wanted you to know that sometimes it could look as if the light won’t appear from the tunnel, but it is not as it seems. Don’t give up because you are not alone and your strength right now is fundamental. School here is finishing and that’s the reason why we have a lot of exams, but we are grateful to be able to dedicate time to write this letter to you. We know we will never know how much you are suffering but we really hope that, even if it isn’t a lot, this could make you feel not alone, because now you know, we think and pray for you everyday.

A big and warm hug,
Silvia, Mirko


Dear friends,

How are you? We hope you all are well. We know the difficult situation you are living. But we also know that to be happy sometimes you just need to talk with a person you care about, read a book that you like or listening some music. Also here in Italy this isn’t the best period, hundred of people are separated from their friends and die away from their families because of the pandemic. Don’t feel alone. A change is yet to come.

Mauro, Mirella, Rachele

Ⓒ 2024 Sacred Springs

Nature photography by PValdés